Project Arrow and the final mile: the APMA’s Flavio Volpe says Canada’s own electric car is nearly here
Emma Jarratt, Electric Autonomy Canada January 11, 2022 At the end of 2022 the real-life prototype of the Project Arrow vehicle will be unveiled to the world. In an exclusive interview, one of the project’s core leaders recaps the journey and sets the record straight on future plans. Read article here.
What now? Canada’s EV and transportation leaders weigh in with reactions to the federal election results
Emma Jarratt, Electric Autonomy Canada September 22, 2021 Flavio Volpe, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, is quoted on the outcome of Election 2021 as a leader in clean transportation in Canada. Read article here.
Canada improves but other countries keep pace in KPMG’s 2020 AV readiness index
Luke Sarabia, Electric Autonomy Canada July 7, 2020 Source: KPMG 2020 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index Report Canada retains its 12th place ranking in KPMG’s latest AV readiness index, which compares 30 countries on the basis of policy, infrastructure, consumer acceptance, technology and innovation Canada has earned mixed results in KPMG International’s newly released 2020 Autonomous Vehicles […]