Detroit’s big auto show returns ‘for people who love cars’

Dave Waddell, Windsor Star August 30, 2022 “The (automaker) culture in Detroit for years has been conservative. That’s changed. This will become an event on the calendar for people who love cars,” said Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association president Flavio Volpe. Read article here.

Trudeau casts doubt on idea of shipping natural gas from East Coast to Germany

Steven Chase, Claudia Scholz, The Globe and Mail August 23, 2022 Flavio Volpe, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, said the VW and Mercedes agreements that are being signed with Canada reflect the benefits of a deal struck in the U.S. Congress on tax incentives for electric vehicles. Read article here.

‘Nice’ isn’t going to cut it for Biden’s man in Canada

Andy Blatchford, Politico August 22, 2022 Flavio Volpe, the plainspoken, influential head of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, said for the first time in years his lobbying work included going through the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa. Read here.