Campbell Clark, The Globe and Mail
February 20, 2021

Flavio Volpe, President of the APMA, describes how Anita Anand, the federal Public Services and Procurement Minister (whose office is responsible for Canada’s COVID-19 vaccines) efficiently connected him to officials for the great PPE conversion during the first wave and her central role in bridging a critical gap.

“Legitimate manufacturers were gearing up to change production from liquor to hand sanitizer, or from car parts to face shields. They wanted to know what the government wanted, what the specs were, what liability they might face, and so on. Flavio Volpe, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, said he was up in the middle of the night calling a Japanese company working with Canadian foam parts manufacturer Woodbridge to make masks, and he sent an e-mail to Ms. Anand, who quickly replied, connecting him to officials.

“You can critique some of the plays that she called. But she was always a willing quarterback,” Mr. Volpe said.”

Read the full profile here.