CTV News Windsor
September 28, 2020

WINDSOR, ONT. — Workers with Ford Motor Company of Canada have ratified a three-year-deal.

Unifor released the results on Monday. Voting started Sunday morning after Ford and Unifor came to a tentative deal on Sept. 22.

“This is the single biggest investment in the Canadian auto industry in years providing long-term job security for Unifor members,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor national president. “The vote result not only demonstrates our members’ overwhelming support for their bargaining committees and their new collective agreement, but also shows Unifor members have a clear vision of a strong and prosperous Canadian auto sector.”

“Historic” deal

Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association president Flavio Volpe calls the deal “historic” saying Windsor’s involvement in the Ford F-150 line bodes well for future employment.

“Both in Windsor and in Oakville we’re very excited,” said Volpe.

He said it’s a bit of a chicken and an egg.

“Do you commit to vehicles that people aren’t buying in great volumes, or do you wait until people are buying them in great volumes and hope you’re in the business? I think this balances the two,” said Volpe.

Volpe tells CTV News he believes the Windsor plant will act as the bridge between Ontario technological ability and supply into the most important vehicle line into one of the world‘s greatest automakers.

“If Windsor plays on E-gears and electric motors for F-150, while being on this side of the border and working with all the other supply chain, whether that’s final assembly, whether that’s battery pack, it is a very exciting place to be,” Volpe added.

The contract is meant to serve as a framework for union and the Big Three Automakers — Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler — as the two sides work to hammer out new collective agreements.

As focus shifts to talks with Fiat Chrysler this week, Volpe says he’s encouraged.

“I’m excited about updates to the minivan product in Windsor,” he said.

Volpe says he’s optimistic talks between the union and FCA will go well.

“I’m not worried like I have been in the past,” said Volpe. “It’s a question here of, look, FCA has some exciting stuff coming in the pipeline as well like Ford does. Can we convince them that this is the right place to do it? That’s what’s really at stake here.”

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